kk3.1.3,离线安装KS3.4.1,离线包导入内网镜像报错,no manifest list to push,具体错误如下
16:21:47 CST success: [LocalHost]
16:21:47 CST [CopyImagesToRegistryModule] Push multi-arch manifest to private registry
16:21:47 CST Push multi-arch manifest list:
INFO[0220] Retrieving digests of member images
INFO[0220] trying next host - response was http.StatusNotFound host=
WARN[0220] Couldn't access image '""'. Skipping due to 'ignore missing' configuration.
16:21:47 CST message: [LocalHost]
push image multi-arch manifest failed: all entries were skipped due to missing source image references; no manifest list to push
16:21:47 CST failed: [LocalHost]
error: Pipeline[CreateClusterPipeline] execute failed: Module[CopyImagesToRegistryModule] exec failed:
failed: [LocalHost] [PushManifest] exec failed after 1 retries: push image**kubesphereio/thanos:v0.31.0 multi-arch manifest failed:** all entries were skipped due to missing source image references; no manifest list to push
补充以下:重复执行命令./kk create cluster -f config-sample.yaml -a kubesphere.tar.gz –with-packages,会得到不一样的镜像报相同的错,感觉是KK的BUG