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例如,使用 docker/containerd,版本多少
我这个kubesphere之前是离线安装的, 离线安装的时候也遇到这个问题。 但通过分两步部署,先部署kubernetes,再部署kubepshere的相关组件的pod,这个问题就没有出现。如今想添加节点,2个master,此问题又出现,折腾了很久也没解决:
就是在kk配置完系统和docker之后,始终要去连外网dockerhub去下载 kubesphere/puase:3.5这个镜像,而不使用本地的harbor registry,通过debug信息看到harbor是登录成功了的, 手工检查 dockerhub.kubekey.local/kubersphereio/pause:3.5是存在的,
yb01原有master, yb04/05 准备新添加的master, yb02/03 work nodes
08:13:10 CST [InstallContainerModule] Add auths to container runtime
08:13:10 CST command: [yb05]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “if [ -z $(which docker) ] || [ ! -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then echo ‘not exist’; fi”
08:13:10 CST command: [yb04]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “if [ -z $(which docker) ] || [ ! -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then echo ‘not exist’; fi”
08:13:10 CST command: [yb04]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c "docker login –username “admin” –password “Harbor12345” dockerhub.kubekey.local"
08:13:10 CST stdout: [yb04]
WARNING! Using –password via the CLI is insecure. Use –password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
08:13:10 CST command: [yb04]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “if [ -e $HOME/.docker/config.json ]; then echo ‘exist’; fi”
08:13:10 CST stdout: [yb04]
08:13:10 CST command: [yb04]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “mkdir -p /.docker && cp -f $HOME/.docker/config.json /.docker/ && chmod 0644 /.docker/config.json ”
08:13:10 CST command: [yb05]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c "docker login –username “admin” –password “Harbor12345” dockerhub.kubekey.local"
08:13:10 CST stdout: [yb05]
WARNING! Using –password via the CLI is insecure. Use –password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
08:13:10 CST command: [yb05]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “if [ -e $HOME/.docker/config.json ]; then echo ‘exist’; fi”
08:13:10 CST stdout: [yb05]
08:13:10 CST command: [yb05]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “mkdir -p /.docker && cp -f $HOME/.docker/config.json /.docker/ && chmod 0644 /.docker/config.json ”
08:13:10 CST skipped: [yb03]
08:13:10 CST skipped: [yb01]
08:13:10 CST skipped: [yb02]
08:13:10 CST success: [yb04]
08:13:10 CST success: [yb05]
08:13:10 CST [PullModule] Start to pull images on all nodes
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST message: [yb03]
downloading image: kubesphere/pause:3.5
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST message: [yb04]
downloading image: kubesphere/pause:3.5
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST message: [yb01]
downloading image: kubesphere/pause:3.5
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST message: [yb05]
downloading image: kubesphere/pause:3.5
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST pauseTag: 3.5, corednsTag: 1.8.0
08:13:10 CST message: [yb02]
downloading image: kubesphere/pause:3.5
08:13:25 CST command: [yb05]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
08:13:25 CST stdout: [yb05]
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
08:13:25 CST stderr: [yb05]
Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:25 CST message: [yb05]
pull image failed: Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:25 CST retry: [yb05]
08:13:25 CST command: [yb04]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
08:13:25 CST stdout: [yb04]
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
08:13:25 CST stderr: [yb04]
Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:25 CST message: [yb04]
pull image failed: Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:25 CST retry: [yb04]
08:13:26 CST command: [yb03]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
08:13:26 CST stdout: [yb03]
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
08:13:26 CST stderr: [yb03]
Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:26 CST message: [yb03]
pull image failed: Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:26 CST retry: [yb03]
08:13:26 CST command: [yb02]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
08:13:26 CST stdout: [yb02]
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: dial tcp i/o timeout
08:13:26 CST stderr: [yb02]
Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: dial tcp i/o timeout: Process exited with status 1
08:13:26 CST message: [yb02]
pull image failed: Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: dial tcp i/o timeout: Process exited with status 1
08:13:26 CST retry: [yb02]
08:13:26 CST command: [yb01]
sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
08:13:26 CST stdout: [yb01]
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
08:13:26 CST stderr: [yb01]
Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:26 CST message: [yb01]
pull image failed: Failed to exec command: sudo -E /bin/bash -c “env PATH=$PATH docker pull kubesphere/pause:3.5”
Error response from daemon: Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): Process exited with status 1
08:13:26 CST retry: [yb01]