TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check old redis status] ****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Delete and backup old redis svc] *******************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploying redis] ***********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Getting redis PodIp] *******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating redis migration script] *******************
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'/etc/kubesphere', u'file': u'redisMigrate.py'})
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check redis-ha status] *****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : ks-logging | Migrating redis data] ******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Disable old redis] *********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploying redis] ***********************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=redis.yaml)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Getting openldap installation files] ***************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=openldap-ha)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating manifests] ********************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u'name': u'custom-values-openldap', u'file': u'custom-values-openldap.yaml'})
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check old openldap status] *************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : KubeSphere | Shutdown ks-account] *******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Delete and backup old openldap svc] ****************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check openldap] ************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploy openldap] ***********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Load old openldap data] ****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check openldap-ha status] **************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Get openldap-ha pod list] **************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Get old openldap data] *****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Migrating openldap data] ***************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Disable old openldap] ******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Restart openldap] **********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : KubeSphere | Restarting ks-account] *****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check ha-redis] ************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Getting redis installation files] ******************
changed: [localhost] => (item=redis-ha)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating manifests] ********************************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'name': u'custom-values-redis', u'file': u'custom-values-redis.yaml'})
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check old redis status] ****************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Delete and backup old redis svc] *******************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploying redis] ***********************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Getting redis PodIp] *******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating redis migration script] *******************
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'/etc/kubesphere', u'file': u'redisMigrate.py'})
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check redis-ha status] *****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : ks-logging | Migrating redis data] ******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Disable old redis] *********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploying redis] ***********************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=redis.yaml)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Getting openldap installation files] ***************
changed: [localhost] => (item=openldap-ha)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating manifests] ********************************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'name': u'custom-values-openldap', u'file': u'custom-values-openldap.yaml'})
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check old openldap status] *************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [common : KubeSphere | Shutdown ks-account] *******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Delete and backup old openldap svc] ****************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check openldap] ************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploy openldap] ***********************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Load old openldap data] ****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check openldap-ha status] **************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Get openldap-ha pod list] **************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Get old openldap data] *****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Migrating openldap data] ***************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Disable old openldap] ******************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Restart openldap] **********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : KubeSphere | Restarting ks-account] *****************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Getting minio installation files] ******************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=minio-ha)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating manifests] ********************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u'name': u'custom-values-minio', u'file': u'custom-values-minio.yaml'})
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Check minio] ***************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploy minio] **************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : debug] **********************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : fail] ***********************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | create minio config directory] *********************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Creating common component manifests] ***************
skipping: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'/root/.config/rclone', u'file': u'rclone.conf'})
TASK [common : include_tasks] **************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=helm)
skipping: [localhost] => (item=vmbased)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploying common component] ************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=mysql.yaml)
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploying common component] ************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item=etcd.yaml)
TASK [common : Setting persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy (mysql)] ******************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [common : Setting persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy (etcd)] *******************
skipping: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=31 changed=26 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=85 rescued=0 ignored=6
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that
the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [download : include_tasks] ************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [download : Download items] ***********************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [download : Sync container] ***********************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [kubesphere-defaults : Configure defaults] ********************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "Check roles/kubesphere-defaults/defaults/main.yml"
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Create KubeSphere dir] ********************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Getting installation init files] **********
changed: [localhost] => (item=workspace.yaml)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-init)
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Init KubeSphere system] *******************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Creating KubeSphere Secret] ***************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Creating KubeSphere Secret] ***************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Enable Token Script] **********************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Getting KS Token] *************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Setting ks_token] *************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Creating manifests] ***********************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'type': u'init', u'name': u'ks-account-init', u'file': u'ks-account-init.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'type': u'init', u'name': u'ks-apigateway-init', u'file': u'ks-apigateway-init.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'type': u'values', u'name': u'custom-values-istio-init', u'file': u'custom-values-istio-init.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'type': u'cm', u'name': u'kubesphere-config', u'file': u'kubesphere-config.yaml'})
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Init KubeSphere] **************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-account-init.yaml)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-apigateway-init.yaml)
changed: [localhost] => (item=kubesphere-config.yaml)
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Getting controls-system file] *************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'name': u'kubesphere-controls-system', u'file': u'kubesphere-controls-system.yaml'})
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Installing controls-system] ***************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Create KubeSphere workspace] **************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Create KubeSphere vpa] ********************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : KubeSphere | Generate kubeconfig-admin] ****************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : Kubesphere | Checking kubesphere component] ************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : Kubesphere | Get kubesphere component version] *********
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | disable ks-apiserver] *********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-stop.yaml': line 1, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | disable ks-apiserver\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | disable ks-apigateway] ********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-stop.yaml': line 6, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | disable ks-apigateway\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | disable ks-account] ***********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-stop.yaml': line 11, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | disable ks-account\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | disable ks-console] ***********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-stop.yaml': line 16, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | disable ks-console\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | disable ks-controller-manager] ************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout != ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-stop.yaml': line 21, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | disable ks-controller-manager\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | restart ks-apiserver] *********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-restart.yaml': line 1, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | restart ks-apiserver\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | restart ks-apigateway] ********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-restart.yaml': line 6, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | restart ks-apigateway\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | restart ks-account] ***********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-restart.yaml': line 11, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | restart ks-account\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | restart ks-console] ***********************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-restart.yaml': line 16, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | restart ks-console\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/prepare : ks-upgrade | restart ks-controller-manager] ************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (console_version.stdout and console_version.stdout == ks_version): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/kubesphere/installer/roles/ks-core/prepare/tasks/ks-restart.yaml': line 21, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: ks-upgrade | restart ks-controller-manager\n ^ here\n"}
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Getting kubernetes version] ***************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Setting kubernetes version] ***************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Getting kubernetes master num] ************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Setting master num] ***********************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : ks-console | Checking ks-console svc] ******************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : ks-console | Getting ks-console svc port] **************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : ks-console | Setting console_port] *********************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Getting Ingress installation files] *******
changed: [localhost] => (item=ingress)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-account)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-apigateway)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-apiserver)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-console)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ks-controller-manager)
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Creating manifests] ***********************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ingress', u'type': u'config', u'file': u'ingress-controller.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-account', u'type': u'deployment', u'file': u'ks-account.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-apigateway', u'type': u'deploy', u'file': u'ks-apigateway.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-apiserver', u'type': u'deploy', u'file': u'ks-apiserver.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-controller-manager', u'type': u'deploy', u'file': u'ks-controller-manager.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'type': u'config', u'file': u'ks-console-config.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'type': u'deploy', u'file': u'ks-console-deployment.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'type': u'svc', u'file': u'ks-console-svc.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'type': u'deploy', u'file': u'ks-docs-deployment.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'type': u'config', u'file': u'sample-bookinfo-configmap.yaml'})
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Delete Ingress-controller configmap] ******
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/usr/local/bin/kubectl delete cm -n kubesphere-system ks-router-config\n", "delta": "0:00:07.962745", "end": "2020-04-27 02:41:59.300082", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2020-04-27 02:41:51.337337", "stderr": "Error from server (NotFound): configmaps \"ks-router-config\" not found", "stderr_lines": ["Error from server (NotFound): configmaps \"ks-router-config\" not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Creating Ingress-controller configmap] ****
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Check ks-account version] *****************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Update kubectl image] *********************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Creating ks-core] *************************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-apigateway', u'file': u'ks-apigateway.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-apiserver', u'file': u'ks-apiserver.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-account', u'file': u'ks-account.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-controller-manager', u'file': u'ks-controller-manager.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'file': u'ks-console-config.yml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'file': u'sample-bookinfo-configmap.yaml'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'file': u'ks-console-deployment.yml'})
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Check ks-console svc] *********************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Creating ks-console svc] ******************
changed: [localhost] => (item={u'path': u'ks-console', u'file': u'ks-console-svc.yml'})
TASK [ks-core/ks-core : KubeSphere | Patch ks-console svc] *********************
skipping: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=38 changed=22 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=10 rescued=0 ignored=11
Start installing monitoring
task monitoring status is successful
total: 1 completed:1
### Welcome to KubeSphere! ###
Account: admin
Password: P@88w0rd
1. After logging into the console, please check the
monitoring status of service components in
the "Cluster Status". If the service is not
ready, please wait patiently. You can start
to use when all components are ready.
2. Please modify the default password after login.