Forest-L 大佬 我也遇到相同的问题 可以帮忙协助看一下吗 多谢
TASK [common : Kubesphere | Deploy minio] **************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “/usr/local/bin/helm upgrade –install ks-minio /kubesphere/kubesphere/minio-ha -f /kubesphere/kubesphere/custom-values-minio.yaml –set fullnameOverride=minio –namespace kubesphere-system –wait –timeout 1800s\n”, “delta”: “0:30:12.536292”, “end”: “2021-05-31 10:30:04.335264”, “msg”: “non-zero return code”, “rc”: 1, “start”: “2021-05-31 09:59:51.798972”, “stderr”: “Error: failed post-install: timed out waiting for the condition”, “stderr_lines”: [“Error: failed post-install: timed out waiting for the condition”], “stdout”: "Release \“ks-minio\” does not exist. Installing it now.", “stdout_lines”: ["Release \“ks-minio\” does not exist. Installing it now."]}
TASK [common : debug] **********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
“msg”: [
“1. check the storage configuration and storage server”,
“2. make sure the DNS address in /etc/resolv.conf is available”,
“3. execute ‘kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system -l job-name=minio-make-bucket-job’ to watch logs”,
“4. execute ‘helm -n kubesphere-system uninstall ks-minio && kubectl -n kubesphere-system delete job minio-make-bucket-job’”,
“5. Restart the installer pod in kubesphere-system namespace”